All our geologists have a valid H2S Alive tickets and additional safety related certification in keeping with the industries safety regulations.

We are enrolled and compliant with Comply Works HSE, ISNetworld, and Achilles safety registries. We also carry $5,000,000 general liability insurance in addition to Workers Compensation Coverage for all representatives in British Columbia and our individual geologists carry $2,000,000 in automobile liability policy and are sole proprietors of limited companies and are responsible to carry Workers Compensation Coverage in Alberta.

If you would like to learn more about our talented team, please contact either Pat or James to receive a user ID and password to access our individual geologist's detailed profiles.

Patrick Twa, B.Sc
President / CEO
Office: (403) 202-8522
Cell: (403) 804-7348

James Morgan, B.Sc, P.Geol.
Operations Manager
Office: (403) 202-8522
Cell: (403) 816-8520